Get Involved

Join CARRT to advance assistive & rehabilitation robotics technologies through research, education and service.

Donate to CARRT

Donations to CARRT help support our activities by providing funding for a variety of activities.

Participate as a Subject

Occasionally, we recruit human subjects (healthy or with disabilities) and ask them to test some of the work we are doing and give their feedback. An Internal review Board (IRB) approval is applied for and acquired by the research team before any recruitment is initiated. This insures the safety, dignity and privacy of any participating subjects in any of our studies. If we are recruiting subjects for any studies at this time, we will provide a link to the stuy and contact information. In case you would like to participate in any of the studies as a subject, please follow the instructions provided in the study link.

We are currently recruiting for two studies, please read about these two studies in the following documents:
Novel prosthetic foot study
Monitoring prosthesis and orthosis function study

Collaborate with Us

If you like a project, you are working on a similar or related project, you have an idea, or if you want to explore ways to collaborate with us, please click on (ABOUT CARRT) tab above and scroll down to (CONTACT INFORMATION) to send an email inquiry to one of CARRT personnel.

Positions Available

To inquire about available positions at CARRT, please click on (ABOUT CARRT) tab above and scroll down to (CONTACT INFORMATION) to send an email inquiry to one of CARRT personnel, and include your resume as an attachment in PDF.

Provide Feedback

Thank you for your interest in CARRT and the work we do. If you have any comments or suggestions, please click on (ABOUT CARRT) tab above and scroll down to (CONTACT INFORMATION) to send an email with your feedback to one of CARRT personnel.


"Center for Assistive, Rehabilitation & Robotics Technologies"
Research - Education - Service